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  • Bento for Business API
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  • Business
  • Cards
  • Card Transactions
  • Webhooks
  • Schemas
  • Bento for Business API

    Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses.

    Learn the basics of the Bento for Business API, from authentication to available resources.

    Base API URLs

    Email: Support


    How to use

    Every API call must have the proper HTTP authorization header token in order to be authenticated. You will be provided with an API access key and secret key that you can use to retrieve an authorization token. The authorization token is timed and will expire, so we recommend retrieving an authorization token prior to each session.

    To retrieve an authorization token, perform the following request:

    Retrieve Authorization Token

    POST https://{Base API URL}/sessions
        "accessKey":"<your access key>",
        "secretKey":"<your secret key>"

    In the API response to this request, there will be an "authorization" HTTP header with a value. This value is your authorization token that you should use to make subsequent authenticated API requests.

    To make an authenticated API call, specify an HTTP "authorization" header with the value you retrieved from the POST to /sessions. This should be specified as a part of every authenticated API request.


    Getting Started

    Three simple steps to start using our api.

    1. Get setup

      • Signup for a free Bento for Business account.
      • Contact to enable API Access and be provided with an Access Key and Secret Key.
    2. Explore

      • Use our API documentation to see what each endpoint does and try out a few requests.
    3. Integrate

      • Use our guides to learn how our system works and how to get started quickly.

    Creating a Virtual Card

    Creating virtual cards is easy with the Bento API. This guide provides an overview of the essential parts on how to get started with creating and using Bento virtual cards. For more information on this and other capabilities that the Bento API offers, please refer to the full API docs.

    Types of Cards

    There are two types of virtual cards you can create with Bento. Similar to physical cards, you can create a virtual "employee card" or a virtual "utility card". An employee card is designed for an individual employee, who will have the ability to login to the Bento mobile app. As such, creating an employee card will require more information such as date of birth and an unique email address. On the other hand, an utility card is not associated with any login, and thus will only require a name to create. The name on the card (alias) can be anything you want, such as “Tom Perry” or “Gas Card”.

    Please note that you can customize the card billing address for any Bento card, whether it is physical or virtual, and for both employee as well as utility cards.

    To create a virtual card, perform the following:

    1. Create a virtual card

    Make an API call to:

    Create Card

    POST https://{Base API URL}/cards

    Sample request payload for creating a virtual utility card (without any custom spend limit restrictions):

       "alias":"Test Card",

    Sample response:

    The API response will be the created Card Object. Please note the "cardId" field. This is the Bento card ID that you will need this to retrieve its card number as well as to activate and customize its billing address.

    2. Poll the card status until it is processed

    Once a card is created, Bento will process the card creation within minutes asynchronously. Simply make the following API call (“Get Card By ID”) and wait till the lifecycleStatus attribute changes from NOT_ISSUED_YET to ACTIVATED. Your card will be activated and is ready to be used immediately.

    Get Card By ID

    GET https://{Base API URL}/cards/{cardId}

    3. Retrieve the card number, cvv, and expiration date

    Once the card has been created and processed (lifecycleStatus changes to ACTIVATED), you can retrieve its card number, cvv, and expiration date.

    To retrieve a card’s expiration date, make an API call to Get Card By ID as outlined in the prior step. Please note the “expiration” field in the API response in MMYY format.

    To retrieve a card’s full card number and cvv, make an API call to Get Card Number:

    Get Card Number

    Once the card is activated, the card can be used to make a purchase.

    GET https://{Base API URL}/cards/{cardId}/pan

    4. Change the card billing address (Optional)

    You can optionally change the billing address that is associated with each card. If you do not change a card’s billing address, the card will use the mailing address associated with your Bento account as its billing address. This is the address that will be used for address verification when you make a purchase with this card. The address must be a US-based address.

    Please note: it may take up to 5 minutes for the card billing address to take effect once you change it in the API. Please give it sufficient time after it is set before attempting to make purchases with the billing address you have set. Otherwise, your purchase may decline due to address mismatch.

    To change the billing address for a card, perform the following:

    Create Card Billing Address

    POST https://{Base API URL}/cards/{cardId}/billingaddress
        "street":"123 Market Street",
        "addressAdditionals":"Suite 123",
        "city":"San Francisco",

    After the billing address is set, you can also modify it by making a PUT request to https://{Base API URL}/cards/{cardId}/billingaddress using the same payload structure as described above.

    Change Spending Limits

    The Spending Limit Object provides users the ability to set spending controls in real-time; including but not limited to:

    Daily, Weekly, Monthly

    You can add a card that has a daily, weekly, or monthly spending limit. The card's available balance will be reset to the spending limit amount when the current spending limit period expires.

    For example, to set a Weekly spending limit, use the following values to set the Spending Limit Object:

      "active": true,
      "amount": 123.45,
      "period": "Day"


    Custom period provides the ability to control the start and end date, for up to two years into the future. The card will automatically be turned off once it reaches its customEndDate.

    The date must be formatted in milliseconds since UNIX epoch (milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970).

    For example, to set a Custom spending limit type, use the following values to set the Spending Limit Object:

      "active": true,
      "amount": 123.45,
      "period": "Custom",
      "customStartDate": 1495759408000,
      "customEndDate": 1495759408000

    Using Webhooks

    Bento sends webhook events to notify your application any time an event happens on your account, such as when a Card Transaction has completed or declined. Unlike the API, webhook events are initiated by Bento and pushed to your server. This mechanism is useful for services that need to know the most current state of their transactions.

    You can use webhooks to handle any business logic, like:

    Webhook Payload

    Every webhook event will be wrapped with metadata about the subscription. When events are retried, it will reuse the same webhookEventId. All webhooks will follow this WebhookEvent Schema.

        "webhookEventId": "b1372d6c-917b-4993-b768-96283c7e4ca1",
        "webhookSubscriptionId": "c0536d89-b700-4f11-bd3a-c5e5a895a2b4",
        "topic": "", -- topic name (e.g. transaction)
        "data": {
            -- topic data


    1. transaction

    Any element, including the deleted flag, has potential to be updated. Once a transaction's status is COMPLETE, it has completely posted to the account. When the transaction is in PENDING, the payee information and amount can be subject to change.

        "webhookEventId": "b1372d6c-917b-4993-b768-96283c7e4ca1",
        "webhookSubscriptionId": "c0536d89-b700-4f11-bd3a-c5e5a895a2b4",
        "topic": "transaction",
        "data": {
            "cardTransactionId": 123456,
            "business": {
                "businessId": 123456
            "card": {
                "cardId": 123456,
                "alias": "Office 12345"
            "amount": -123.45,
            "originalAmount": -123.45,
            "transactionDate": 1234567890123,
            "settlementDate": 1234567890123,
            "availableBalance": 123456.57,
            "ledgerBalance": 0.0,
            "fees": 0.0,
            "payee": {
                "name": "Internet Bill",
                "address": " ",
                "city": "",
                "state": "WA",
                "country": "USA",
                "zip": ""
            "tags": [
                    "cardTransactionTagId": 123456,
                    "name": "hosting-tags",
                    "bentoType": "com.bentoforbusiness.entity.card.CardTransactionTag"
            "receipts": [
                    "cardTransactionReceiptId": 123456,
                    "business": {
                        "businessId": 123456
                    "name": "123456-016e-4bd8-a4c5-123456123456.pdf",
                    "url": "/api/transactions/receipts/123456/download",
                    "urlExpiresOn": 1234567890123,
                    "bentoType": "com.bentoforbusiness.entity.card.CardTransactionReceipt"
            "note": "",
            "category": {
                "transactionCategoryId": 11,
                "name": "Retail and Miscellaneous Stores",
                "type": "SPENDING",
                "group": "Retail & Goods",
                "description": "Clothing, Variety, Sporting Goods, etc.",
                "mccs": [],
                "bentoType": "com.bentoforbusiness.entity.card.TransactionCategory"
            "type": "CREDIT",
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "deleted": false,
            "currency": "USD",
            "originalCurrency": "USD",
            "bentoType": "com.bentoforbusiness.entity.card.CardTransaction"

    Getting Started

    1. Create a webhook subscription


    curl --request POST \ --url https://OUR_API_DOMAIN/webhooks \ --header 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ \ "url":"YOUR_HTTPS_WEBHOOK_URL", \ "topic": "transaction" \ }'

    Response: { "webhookSubscriptionId": "1a8552b6-dcec-48bb-aa45-584a50c6fc48", "business": { "businessId": 123 }, "url": "YOUR_HTTPS_WEBHOOK_URL", "topic": "TRANSACTIONS" }

    Best Practices

    Connecting your API Key to Multiple Bento Businesses

    If you need access to multiple different businesses, please contact our api support at We are able to set it up so that a single accessKey and secretKey can give you access to multiple businesses.

    Once your keys are set up in this way, there is an important change to be aware of that applies to all authenticated API calls other than /businesses/me. For such calls (for example, let's consider cards), the result sets of a given call will only ever be for one business at a time. In order to differentiate between the two or more businesses you have access to, we recommend that you prepend these requests with /businesses/{businessId}. So, for example, if you have access to two businesses with ids 123 and 456 and would like to list the cards under these accounts, your requests would look be the following two urls:

    Note that if you do not send the /businesses/{businessId} portion of the request, we will still give back a response, however, we will have to assume one of your businessIds. There is no supported way at this time to get a single response that co-mingles the data from two or more businesses.

    If you are unsure of your businessIds, you can see the Businesses section below. In summary, the response from /businesses/me includes the ids, names, and other information of all businesses that you have access to.



    Creates a session


    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

    POST /sessions

    Generates a Bearer token that must be passed through any authenticated routes. This is valid for one hour and must be renewed to prevent 401 - Unauthorized errors.

    Body parameter

      "accessKey": "string",
      "secretKey": "string"


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    body body object true No description
         accessKey body string false No description
         secretKey body string false No description


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK ApiApplication


    Current business registered to API Application

    Get current business

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /businesses/me

    Retrieves the details of the current business.


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK BusinessesResponse


    Cards attached to the current business

    List all cards

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /cards

    Returns a server-side page of cards from the current business.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    index query integer true Offset of the cards from which to begin the query
    limit query integer true Total number of cards to return in the current "page".
    cardName query string false Name of card (alias) to search for.
    orderBy query string false Card attribute by which query should be ordered (defaults to cardId)
    order query string false Ascending or descending order (defaults to asc)

    Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    orderBy cardId
    orderBy alias
    orderBy updatedOn
    orderBy createdOn
    orderBy availableAmount
    orderBy status
    orderBy type
    orderBy lifecycleStatus
    order asc
    order desc


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK CardPage

    Create a new card

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    POST /cards

    Creates a new card object

    Body parameter

      "cardId": 12345,
      "type": "CategoryCard",
      "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVATED",
      "status": "TURNED_ON",
      "expiration": "1221",
      "lastFour": "1234",
      "virtualCard": false,
      "alias": "My Card",
      "availableAmount": 123.45,
      "allowedDays": [
      "allowedDaysActive": true,
      "allowedCategoriesActive": true,
      "allowedCategories": [
          "transactionCategoryId": 10
      "createdOn": 1491751408000,
      "updatedOn": 1491751408000,
      "spendingLimit": {
        "active": true,
        "amount": 123.45,
        "period": "Day",
        "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
        "customEndDate": 1491751408000
      "user": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "birthDate": 1491751408000,
        "email": "",
        "phone": "9998887654",
        "userId": 12345,
        "deleted": false,
        "created": 1491751408000


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    body body Card true The Card object to created


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Card

    Retrieve a card

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{cardId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /cards/{cardId}

    Retrieves the details of an existing card.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Card

    Update a card

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X PUT{cardId} \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    PUT /cards/{cardId}

    Updates the specified card by setting the value of the parameters passed. This request accepts the same arguments as the card creation and get card calls.

    Body parameter

      "cardId": 12345,
      "type": "CategoryCard",
      "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVATED",
      "status": "TURNED_ON",
      "expiration": "1221",
      "lastFour": "1234",
      "virtualCard": false,
      "alias": "My Card",
      "availableAmount": 123.45,
      "allowedDays": [
      "allowedDaysActive": true,
      "allowedCategoriesActive": true,
      "allowedCategories": [
          "transactionCategoryId": 10
      "createdOn": 1491751408000,
      "updatedOn": 1491751408000,
      "spendingLimit": {
        "active": true,
        "amount": 123.45,
        "period": "Day",
        "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
        "customEndDate": 1491751408000
      "user": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "birthDate": 1491751408000,
        "email": "",
        "phone": "9998887654",
        "userId": 12345,
        "deleted": false,
        "created": 1491751408000


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card
    body body Card true the card object to update


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Card

    Delete a card

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X DELETE{cardId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    DELETE /cards/{cardId}

    Permanently deletes the specified card from our system and card can no longer be used. It cannot be undone.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Card

    Activate a card

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST{cardId}/activation \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    POST /cards/{cardId}/activation

    Activates the specified card. Physical cards can not be used until it is activated with last four. Virtual cards are automatically activated upon creation.

    Body parameter

      "cardId": 12345,
      "type": "CategoryCard",
      "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVATED",
      "status": "TURNED_ON",
      "expiration": "1221",
      "lastFour": "1234",
      "virtualCard": false,
      "alias": "My Card",
      "availableAmount": 123.45,
      "allowedDays": [
      "allowedDaysActive": true,
      "allowedCategoriesActive": true,
      "allowedCategories": [
          "transactionCategoryId": 10
      "createdOn": 1491751408000,
      "updatedOn": 1491751408000,
      "spendingLimit": {
        "active": true,
        "amount": 123.45,
        "period": "Day",
        "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
        "customEndDate": 1491751408000
      "user": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "birthDate": 1491751408000,
        "email": "",
        "phone": "9998887654",
        "userId": 12345,
        "deleted": false,
        "created": 1491751408000


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card
    body body Card true the card object to Activate


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Card

    Reissue a card

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST{cardId}/reissue \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    POST /cards/{cardId}/reissue

    Reissues the specified card. This permanetly deletes the old card and new card will be created with the old properties. It cannot be undone.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Card

    Retrieve a card's PAN

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{cardId}/pan \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /cards/{cardId}/pan

    Retrieves the specified card's Primary Account Number (PAN) and CVV.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Required Description
         pan string false the card number
         cvv string false the card CVV

    Retrieve a card's billing address

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{cardId}/billingaddress \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /cards/{cardId}/billingaddress

    Retrieves the billing address for the specified card.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Address

    Create a card's billing address

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST{cardId}/billingaddress \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    POST /cards/{cardId}/billingaddress

    Creates a new billing address for the specified card.

    Body parameter

      "active": true,
      "addressType": "BUSINESS_ADDRESS",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "id": 12345,
      "state": "CA",
      "street": "123 Main Street",
      "zipCode": "94123"


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card
    body body Address true The billing address to add


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Address

    Update a card's billing address

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X PUT{cardId}/billingaddress \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    PUT /cards/{cardId}/billingaddress

    Updates the card's existing billing address if one exists.

    Body parameter

      "active": true,
      "addressType": "BUSINESS_ADDRESS",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "id": 12345,
      "state": "CA",
      "street": "123 Main Street",
      "zipCode": "94123"


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    cardId path integer(int64) true The Id of the card
    body body Address true The billing address to update


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Address

    Card Transactions

    Card transactions created by cards owned by business

    List all card transactions

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /transactions

    Retrieves list of card transactions for the current business.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    status query string false Query only COMPLETE, PENDING or DECLINED transactions.
    type query string false Query only transactions of the specified type.
    dateStart query integer(int64) false Only transactions after this date. Default is 1 month ago. Date value in milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
    dateEnd query integer(int64) false Only transactions before this date. Default is now. Date value in milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
    cards query integer(int64) false A list of cardIds to filter.
    tags query string false A list of tags to filter.
    categories query integer(int64) false A list of categoryIds to filter.
    cardLifecycle query string false Filter cards on specific lifecycleStatus.
    search query string false Query for transactions with specified text. When you use this options, all other filters are ignored.


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK CardTransactionPage

    Retrieve a transaction

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{transactionId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /transactions/{transactionId}

    Retrieves a single transaction.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    transactionId path integer(int64) true the Id of the transaction


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK CardTransaction

    Create a transaction tag

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST{transactionId}/tags \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    POST /transactions/{transactionId}/tags

    Creates a new tag on a transaction. Multiple transaction tags are supported by repeating the creation request for each tag.

    Body parameter

      "name": "string"


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    transactionId path integer(int64) true the Id of the transaction
    body body object true No description
         name body string false No description


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK CardTransaction

    Delete a transaction tag

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X DELETE{transactionId}/tags/{tagId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    DELETE /transactions/{transactionId}/tags/{tagId}

    Deletes a tag on a transactions.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    transactionId path integer(int64) true the Id of the transaction
    tagId path string true The tag to be deleted


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK CardTransaction

    Update a transaction's notes

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X PUT{transactionId}/notes \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    PUT /transactions/{transactionId}/notes

    Update notes on a transaction.

    Body parameter



    Parameter In Type Required Description
    transactionId path integer(int64) true the Id of the transaction
    body body string true The note


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK CardTransaction


    List all webhook subscriptions

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /webhooks

    Retrives list of webhook subscriptions for the current business.


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK WebhookSubscriptionPage

    Create a webhook subscription

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    POST /webhooks

    Creates a webhook subscription.


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK WebhookSubscription

    Retrieve a webhook subscription

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{webhookSubscriptionId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    GET /webhooks/{webhookSubscriptionId}

    Retrieves the details of an existing webhook subscription.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    webhookSubscriptionId path string(uuid) true The Id of the webhook subscription


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK WebhookSubscription

    Update a webhook subscription

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X PUT{webhookSubscriptionId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    PUT /webhooks/{webhookSubscriptionId}

    Updates a webhook subscription.


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK WebhookSubscription

    Delete a webhook subscription

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X DELETE{webhookSubscriptionId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

    DELETE /webhooks/{webhookSubscriptionId}

    Deletes a webhook subscription.


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK WebhookSubscription



      "apiApplicationId": 12345,
      "name": "My App Name",
      "accessKey": "string"


    Name Type Required Description
    apiApplicationId integer(int64) false Api Application Identifier
    name string false Name of the Application
    accessKey string false Access key used for API Application


      "businesses": [
          "businessId": 12345,
          "companyName": "My Company Inc",
          "nameOnCard": "My Company",
          "phone": "9998881234",
          "accountNumber": "820187766",
          "businessStructure": "LLC",
          "status": "APPROVED",
          "createdDate": 1491751408000,
          "approvalDate": 1491751408000,
          "approvalStatus": "Approved",
          "balance": 100.99,
          "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
          "addresses": [
              "active": true,
              "addressType": "BUSINESS_ADDRESS",
              "city": "San Francisco",
              "id": 12345,
              "state": "CA",
              "street": "123 Main Street",
              "zipCode": "94123"


    Name Type Required Description
    businesses [Business] false List of businesses that you have access to


      "businessId": 12345,
      "companyName": "My Company Inc",
      "nameOnCard": "My Company",
      "phone": "9998881234",
      "accountNumber": "820187766",
      "businessStructure": "LLC",
      "status": "APPROVED",
      "createdDate": 1491751408000,
      "approvalDate": 1491751408000,
      "approvalStatus": "Approved",
      "balance": 100.99,
      "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "addresses": [
          "active": true,
          "addressType": "BUSINESS_ADDRESS",
          "city": "San Francisco",
          "id": 12345,
          "state": "CA",
          "street": "123 Main Street",
          "zipCode": "94123"


    Name Type Required Description
    businessId integer(int64) false Business Identifier
    companyName string false Legal name of the Business
    nameOnCard string false Name that appears on the business line of the card
    phone string false The business phone
    accountNumber string false Account number for the business
    businessStructure string false Business structure
    status string false The status of the business.
    createdDate integer(int64) false No description
    approvalDate integer(int64) false The Date the business has been approved
    approvalStatus string false Status of the application of the business
    balance number(double) false The business balance
    timeZone string false No description
    addresses [Address] false No description

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    businessStructure Sole_Proprietorship
    businessStructure Partnership
    businessStructure LLC
    businessStructure S_Corp
    businessStructure C_Corp
    businessStructure Non_Profit
    status APPROVED
    status SUSPENDED
    status CANCELED
    status REJECTED
    status NOT_APPROVED
    approvalStatus Approved
    approvalStatus Rejected
    approvalStatus Reffered
    approvalStatus Not_Checked_Yet


      "active": true,
      "addressType": "BUSINESS_ADDRESS",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "id": 12345,
      "state": "CA",
      "street": "123 Main Street",
      "zipCode": "94123"


    Name Type Required Description
    active boolean false No description
    addressType string false No description
    city string false No description
    id integer(int64) false No description
    state string false No description
    street string false No description
    zipCode string false No description

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    addressType BUSINESS_ADDRESS
    addressType USER_ADDRESS


      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "birthDate": 1491751408000,
      "email": "",
      "phone": "9998887654",
      "userId": 12345,
      "deleted": false,
      "created": 1491751408000


    Name Type Required Description
    firstName string false No description
    lastName string false No description
    birthDate integer(int64) false No description
    email string false No description
    phone string false No description
    userId integer(int64) false No description
    deleted boolean false No description
    created integer(int64) false No description


      "cardId": 12345,
      "type": "CategoryCard",
      "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVATED",
      "status": "TURNED_ON",
      "expiration": "1221",
      "lastFour": "1234",
      "virtualCard": false,
      "alias": "My Card",
      "availableAmount": 123.45,
      "allowedDays": [
      "allowedDaysActive": true,
      "allowedCategoriesActive": true,
      "allowedCategories": [
          "transactionCategoryId": 10
      "createdOn": 1491751408000,
      "updatedOn": 1491751408000,
      "spendingLimit": {
        "active": true,
        "amount": 123.45,
        "period": "Day",
        "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
        "customEndDate": 1491751408000
      "user": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "birthDate": 1491751408000,
        "email": "",
        "phone": "9998887654",
        "userId": 12345,
        "deleted": false,
        "created": 1491751408000


    Name Type Required Description
    cardId integer(int64) false No description
    type string false No description
    lifecycleStatus string false No description
    status string false No description
    expiration string false No description
    lastFour string false No description
    virtualCard boolean false No description
    alias string false No description
    availableAmount number(double) false No description
    allowedDays [string] false Card will only accept transactions on days specified
    allowedDaysActive boolean false Must be active for card to be respect allowedDays restriction
    allowedCategoriesActive boolean false No description
    allowedCategories [object] false No description
         transactionCategoryId integer(int64) false No description
    createdOn integer(int64) false Date card was created
    updatedOn integer(int64) false Date card was last updated
    spendingLimit SpendingLimit false No description
    user User false No description

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    type BusinessOwnerCard
    type EmployeeCard
    type CategoryCard
    lifecycleStatus TERMINATED
    lifecycleStatus ACTIVATED
    lifecycleStatus NEVER_ACTIVATED
    lifecycleStatus NOT_ISSUED_YET
    status CANCELED
    status TURNED_ON
    status TURNED_OFF


      "size": 0,
      "cards": [
          "cardId": 12345,
          "type": "CategoryCard",
          "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVATED",
          "status": "TURNED_ON",
          "expiration": "1221",
          "lastFour": "1234",
          "virtualCard": false,
          "alias": "My Card",
          "availableAmount": 123.45,
          "allowedDays": [
          "allowedDaysActive": true,
          "allowedCategoriesActive": true,
          "allowedCategories": [
              "transactionCategoryId": 10
          "createdOn": 1491751408000,
          "updatedOn": 1491751408000,
          "spendingLimit": {
            "active": true,
            "amount": 123.45,
            "period": "Day",
            "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
            "customEndDate": 1491751408000
          "user": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "birthDate": 1491751408000,
            "email": "",
            "phone": "9998887654",
            "userId": 12345,
            "deleted": false,
            "created": 1491751408000


    Name Type Required Description
    size integer false Total number of cards in query (disregarding the index and limit query parameters) - Used to calculate total number of pages.
    cards [Card] false Current page of cards given total size of query, and the limit and index sent up in parameters.


      "active": true,
      "amount": 123.45,
      "period": "Day",
      "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
      "customEndDate": 1491751408000


    Name Type Required Description
    active boolean false Limits are in effect
    amount number(double) false Max card spending limit
    period string false Time length of restriction. Custom allows advanced controls.
    customStartDate integer(int64) false Only for custom periods. From present to future date. Date value in milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
    customEndDate integer(int64) false Only for custom periods. Up to two years in the future. Date value in milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    period Day
    period Week
    period Month
    period Custom


      "cardTransactionId": 12345,
      "amount": 123.45,
      "approvalCode": "987654",
      "availableBalance": 123.45,
      "card": {
        "cardId": 12345,
        "type": "CategoryCard",
        "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVATED",
        "status": "TURNED_ON",
        "expiration": "1221",
        "lastFour": "1234",
        "virtualCard": false,
        "alias": "My Card",
        "availableAmount": 123.45,
        "allowedDays": [
        "allowedDaysActive": true,
        "allowedCategoriesActive": true,
        "allowedCategories": [
            "transactionCategoryId": 10
        "createdOn": 1491751408000,
        "updatedOn": 1491751408000,
        "spendingLimit": {
          "active": true,
          "amount": 123.45,
          "period": "Day",
          "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
          "customEndDate": 1491751408000
        "user": {
          "firstName": "John",
          "lastName": "Smith",
          "birthDate": 1491751408000,
          "email": "",
          "phone": "9998887654",
          "userId": 12345,
          "deleted": false,
          "created": 1491751408000
      "category": {
        "transactionCategoryId": 12,
        "description": "Restaurants",
        "group": "Restaurants and Food",
        "mccs": [
        "name": "Restaurants",
        "type": "SPENDING"
      "currency": "USD",
      "deleted": false,
      "fees": 0,
      "ledgerBalance": 123.45,
      "note": "This is a note",
      "settlementDate": 1491751408000,
      "status": "COMPLETE",
      "tags": [
      "transactionDate": 1491751408000,
      "type": "CREDIT",
      "payee": {
        "name": "Greatest Restaurant",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "country": "USA",
        "zip": "94123"


    Name Type Required Description
    cardTransactionId integer(int64) false No description
    amount number(double) false No description
    approvalCode string false No description
    availableBalance number(double) false No description
    card Card false No description
    category Category false No description
    currency string false No description
    deleted boolean false No description
    fees number(double) false No description
    ledgerBalance number(double) false No description
    note string false No description
    settlementDate integer(int64) false No description
    status string false No description
    tags [string] false No description
    transactionDate integer(int64) false No description
    type string false No description
    payee object false No description
         name string false No description
         city string false No description
         state string false No description
         country string false No description
         zip string false No description

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    status PENDING
    status COMPLETE
    status DECLINED
    type UNKNOWN
    type CREDIT
    type LOAD
    type DEBIT
    type REFUND
    type ATM
    type CASHBACK
    type FEE


      "amount": 0,
      "size": 0,
      "cardTransactions": [
          "cardTransactionId": 12345,
          "amount": 123.45,
          "approvalCode": "987654",
          "availableBalance": 123.45,
          "card": {
            "cardId": 12345,
            "type": "CategoryCard",
            "lifecycleStatus": "ACTIVATED",
            "status": "TURNED_ON",
            "expiration": "1221",
            "lastFour": "1234",
            "virtualCard": false,
            "alias": "My Card",
            "availableAmount": 123.45,
            "allowedDays": [
            "allowedDaysActive": true,
            "allowedCategoriesActive": true,
            "allowedCategories": [
                "transactionCategoryId": 10
            "createdOn": 1491751408000,
            "updatedOn": 1491751408000,
            "spendingLimit": {
              "active": true,
              "amount": 123.45,
              "period": "Day",
              "customStartDate": 1491751408000,
              "customEndDate": 1491751408000
            "user": {
              "firstName": "John",
              "lastName": "Smith",
              "birthDate": 1491751408000,
              "email": "",
              "phone": "9998887654",
              "userId": 12345,
              "deleted": false,
              "created": 1491751408000
          "category": {
            "transactionCategoryId": 12,
            "description": "Restaurants",
            "group": "Restaurants and Food",
            "mccs": [
            "name": "Restaurants",
            "type": "SPENDING"
          "currency": "USD",
          "deleted": false,
          "fees": 0,
          "ledgerBalance": 123.45,
          "note": "This is a note",
          "settlementDate": 1491751408000,
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "tags": [
          "transactionDate": 1491751408000,
          "type": "CREDIT",
          "payee": {
            "name": "Greatest Restaurant",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "CA",
            "country": "USA",
            "zip": "94123"


    Name Type Required Description
    amount number(double) false Total amount of card transactions included in this page
    size integer(int64) false Total number of card transactions for a given query (ignoring pagination parameters) - Used for calculating total number of pages
    cardTransactions [CardTransaction] false Card transactions for the given page


      "transactionCategoryId": 12,
      "description": "Restaurants",
      "group": "Restaurants and Food",
      "mccs": [
      "name": "Restaurants",
      "type": "SPENDING"


    Name Type Required Description
    transactionCategoryId integer(int64) false No description
    description string false No description
    group string false No description
    mccs [integer] false No description
    name string false No description
    type string false No description

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    type SPENDING
    type SYSTEM


      "webhookEventId": "76754760-376f-4f88-81cb-5b9fc01a98c0",
      "webhookSubscriptionId": "76754760-376f-4f88-81cb-5b9fc01a98c0",
      "topic": "transaction",
      "data": {}


    Name Type Required Description
    webhookEventId string(uuid) false No description
    webhookSubscriptionId string(uuid) false No description
    topic string false No description
    data object false No description

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    topic transaction


      "webhookSubscriptionId": "76754760-376f-4f88-81cb-5b9fc01a98c0",
      "businessId": 12345,
      "url": "https://mydomain.example/webhook",
      "topic": "transaction",
      "method": "post",
      "created": 1491751408000,
      "updated": 1491751408000


    Name Type Required Description
    webhookSubscriptionId string(uuid) false No description
    businessId integer(int64) false Business Identifier
    url string false No description
    topic string false No description
    method string false No description
    created integer(int64) false No description
    updated integer(int64) false No description

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    topic transaction
    method post


      "cardTransactions": [
          "webhookSubscriptionId": "76754760-376f-4f88-81cb-5b9fc01a98c0",
          "businessId": 12345,
          "url": "https://mydomain.example/webhook",
          "topic": "transaction",
          "method": "post",
          "created": 1491751408000,
          "updated": 1491751408000


    Name Type Required Description
    cardTransactions [WebhookSubscription] false All webhook subscriptions

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